utility.number.delimiter=, utility.decimal.delimiter=. button.play=Play button.next=NEXT button.back=BACK button.ok=OK button.yes=Yes button.no=No topui.undo=UNDO topui.hint=HINT topui.time=Time: topui.moves=Moves: menu.title=MENU button.menu.restart=Restart button.menu.submitScore=Submit Score button.menu.newGame=New Game button.menu.quitGame=Quit Game button.menu.soundOn=Sound On button.menu.soundOff=Sound Off button.menu.help=Help message.areYouSure=Are you sure? message.noMovesLeft=No moves left%LINE_BREAK%undo last move, restart%LINE_BREAK%or begin a new game. gameend.youWin=You win! gameend.gameEnd=Game end! gameend.time=Time: gameend.moves=Moves: gameend.score=Score: help.title=HOW TO PLAY help.page_1_1=GOAL help.page_1_2=Move all cards from the play area to the four foundations on the top right. Foundation piles must start with the aces of each suit, and are built up in sequential order. You can move cards from foundations back if you need. help.page_2_1=PLAY AREA help.page_2_2=Cards can be moved from one column to another as long as their colors alternate and they are in sequential order from highest to lowest. For example, a red 5 can be moved to a black 6. help.page_3_1=FREE CELLS help.page_3_2=Four free cells are located on the top left. You can place any card in a free cell. These cards can later be moved to the play area or to the foundations. Free cells are valuable for uncovering and moving cards! You can also move any card to empty columns once you free them (and then add more cards on top of them as usual). help.page_4_1=MOVING CARDS 1 help.page_4_2=You can move multiple cards together at the same time, but only if they are in sequence and only if there are enough free cells or open columns for you to move these cards one at a time. help.page_5_1=MOVING CARDS 2 help.page_5_2=To move N cards, you need N-1 (N if you wish to move them into a free column) total free cells and open columns; for instance, you would need 4 empty spaces to move 5 cards. help.page_6_1=SCORING help.page_6_2=Moving a card to a foundation pile is worth 5 points. You also earn bonus points for completing the game. Completing a game faster and in less total moves (including the Undo moves) will give you more bonus points. You can try the same layout again and aim for a better score!