utility.number.delimiter=%SPACE% utility.decimal.delimiter=. button.yes=Yes button.no=No button.ok=Ok button.cancel=CANCEL button.save=SAVE button.prev=PREV button.next=NEXT button.resume=Resume button.enter=ENTER button.menu=Menu button.wordsFound=Words found button.words=Words button.play=Play settings.title=Customize panelMenu.menu=MENU panelMenu.soundOn=Sound on panelMenu.soundOff=Sound off panelMenu.musicOn=Music on panelMenu.musicOff=Music off panelMenu.quit=Quit panelMenu.help=Help panelGameEnd.youWin=YOU WIN! panelGameEnd.timesUp=TIME'S UP! panelGameEnd.greatJob=GREAT JOB! panelGameEnd.timeBonusLeft=Time bonus (%TIME_LEFT% left) panelGameEnd.finalScore=Final score panelGameEnd.roundComplete=Round %ROUND% complete: panelGameEnd.roundFailed=Round %ROUND% failed: panelGameEnd.targetWordsFound=Target words found panelGameEnd.bonusWordsFound=Bonus words found panelGameEnd.bonusLettersRevealed=Bonus letters revealed panelGameEnd.timeSpent=Time spent panelGameEnd.roundScore=Round score panelGameEnd.playAgain=Play again panelGameEnd.nextRound=Next round panelBonusWords.targetWords=Target words: panelBonusWords.bonusWordsFound=Bonus words found: panelBonusWords.markEntered=Entered panelBonusWords.markMissed=Missed panelPause.gamePaused=GAME PAUSED panelContinue.continueGame=You already have a game in progress. Continue? panelResign.areYouSureYouWantToQuit=Are you sure%LINE_BREAK%you want to quit? topUi.round=Round: topUi.score=Score: topUi.time=Time: help.page_1_1=HOW TO PLAY help.page_1_2_pc=Using your available letters, reveal all words on the board before time runs out.%LINE_BREAK%%LINE_BREAK%As you create words, you will fill up the Bonus Bar. Filling the bar completely will reveal one letter on the board. If you create a word that is correct but not hidden on the board, the Bonus Bar will be filled anyway.%LINE_BREAK%%LINE_BREAK%Select letters by clicking or using the keyboard.%LINE_BREAK%To submit a word, use "Enter" button on the screen or keyboard.%LINE_BREAK%Remove letters with the "Undo" button on the screen or backspace on the keyboard.%LINE_BREAK%If you get stuck, try to reshuffle. help.page_1_2_mobile=Using your available letters, reveal all words on the board before time runs out.%LINE_BREAK%%LINE_BREAK%As you create words, you will fill up the Bonus Bar. Filling the bar completely will reveal one letter on the board. If you create a word that is correct but not hidden on the board, the Bonus Bar will be filled anyway.%LINE_BREAK%%LINE_BREAK%Drag to select letters.%LINE_BREAK%%LINE_BREAK%If you get stuck, try to reshuffle. physics.error=Oops! Something is wrong, restarting game now. loading=Loading